Vermont’s Enhanced Mobile Crisis Program

Department of Mental Health (DMH)

The Vermont Department of Mental Health (DMH) plays a pivotal role in Vermont’s mental health landscape, encompassing direct service provision, operational management, legal and policy support, care management, housing assistance, interagency collaboration, quality assurance, and research, all geared towards enhancing mental health care and support for Vermonters.

Vermont Department of Mental Health - Mobile Crisis of Vermont

The DMH in Vermont initiated an RFP in 2022 to identify a vendor to provide enhanced Mobile Crisis services across Vermont.

HCRS was selected through this process to lead the statewide effort, in collaboration with the 9 other Vermont community mental health agencies.

DMH has been instrumental in the development of this enhanced Mobile Crisis program.

View The Department of Mental Health website for more info here:

National network of local crisis agencies

988 Lifeline

Helping people of Vermont experiencing an emotional, mental health or substance use emergency.